Sunday, July 24, 2016

Psalm for Mr. Kang

Our final Choral Evensong was glorious and we sang our hearts out, reaching the greatest heights of the arched Cathedral with a joyful noise.  We felt very supported in prayer and good wishes by our family and friends in attendance and also by the clergy and staff of the Cathedral who were most generous in the their appreciation. Many of us, including Woosug, were in tears at the end of the recessional---such a time of high emotion and gratitude.  I think it that is the way the Holy Spirit is supposed to work!

We have more pictures to share and there will be photo and audio "albums" forth-coming after approval by Woosug, and parents and making sure that we are in complete compliance with on-line safety guidelines.

The youth composed a wonderful chant to honor Woosug and performed it our banquet tonight.  Sarah Spurlin was kind enough to share the words with me.  It was sung in perfect Anglican Chant style, to a tune by R. Cooke (to which we had previously chanted Psalm 45):

1. Dear Mr. Kang * our hearts are inditing of a | grateful | manner:
    Unto thee we de-sireth to ex- | press our | thanks.
2. Let our combined lips show forth | our apprciations unto | thee:
    And let our mouths give | forth | joyful 'noise.
3. We pay rapt attention to you ac- |-cording to -thy comm- | and:
     And we obey they dir | ection with | fear and | trembling.
4.  Let the wicked quake be- |fore thy | death stare:
     And the proud gnash the | teeth in the | presence of thy | face palm.
5.  Ye | hateth the hipster:
     Unless | ye hath | discovered it | first.
6.  We remembered that ye hath discovered Facebook, Muse, and Dragon Ball Z be |
     fore all | others:
     But thou still detesteth those who | beareth the | bun of |man.
7.  For thine hair | reacheth -unto the | heavens:
      And acteth as a |beacon in | crowded places.
8. For thine hair gel is composed of  |Elmer's |glue:
     And thin hair hath cheered | us in | times of | dearth.
9. For ye hath composed thyself | always with | dignity.
    Even in the | face-of myst |erious green |slush.
10  For ye have worked always to giveth, * receiveth, * haveth, * and shareth thy
        knowledge | with the |choir:
      And thy creative | meta-phors | and i-magi |nation.
11.  For they tempos resembleth | that of - a | snail.
       and they | breaths are |too far | apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart.
12.  This is where we would hath placed more | jokes a-bout thy | direction:
       However ye are |quite good| at thy | job.
13.  Good | luck in |Nashville:
       We will | miss you | very| much.
14. We hopeth thou hath | bought thy |cowboy boots
       And | learned to | play the | banjo.

Glory be to the Father....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed the Psalm to Mr. Kang. Reading it brings tears to my eyes sitting all night in Heathrow airport. It is a marvelously creative end to a fabulous week.


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